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Garden City Hospital celebrates diversity by recognizing the holidays, traditions, food and healthcare norms of Judaism.

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Judaism: Medical Examination Practices
When treating a patient of the Jewish faith, it is important to consider the separation of sexes. For instance, a Jewish patient should not be put in a mixed sex ward. Other considerations may include, female to female and male to male doctor-patient relationships.

Judaism: End of Life
When a loved one passes in the Judaism religion, there are many end of life issues healthcare professionals must consider. Jewish tradition forbids autopsies, under the belief of no violation of a body after death. Autopsies are only permitted in two circumstances: if the body has the potential to provide new medical knowledge on similar diseases or with an order from the court. Other burial customs include, no separation of blood from the body and burial is almost immediate.

Judaism: Dietary Needs
“Kashrut” is the body of Jewish law that explains which foods can and cannot be eaten under Judaism. This is under the same root as the more commonly known word, “kosher” which means foods that meet these standards. A kosher diet restricts eating certain animals at all including, rabbit and pig because they lack one of the two qualifications in the Torah that states “you may eat any animal that has cloven hooves and chews its cud.” Other restrictions include fish without scales such as lobster, oysters, shrimp, clams and crab.

Judaism: How to make “Latkes”
Latkes (Lat-kas), or potato pancakes, are shallow-fried pancakes of grated potatoes, matzo meal/flour and a binding ingredient like eggs or applesauce. They are often flavored with onion, garlic, and/or seasoning. Jewish latkes have been prepared by the Ashkenazi Jews as part of the Chanukah festival since the mid-1800s.