CITI Training
General Information
GCH IRB requires the completion of the following modules for investigators who are submitting any kind of proposal. You can search by name of the module or by ID number. All investigators involved in the project must have completed the CITI training.
- Basic course (ID: 2)
- Basic Institutional Review Board (IRB) regulations and review process (ID: 3)
- Informed consent (ID: 14)
- Research and HIPAA Privacy Protections (ID: 498)
- History and ethics of Human Subjects Research (ID: 14777)
- Recognizing and reporting unanticipated problems involving risks to subjects or others in Biomedical Research (ID: 16680)
- Populations in research requiring additional considerations and/protections
- Conflicts of interest in human subjects research (ID:17464)
Click here to start your CITI training modules. You will need your MSU NetID and username to access the modules. The MSU NetID was sent to you as part of your faculty appointment packet. If you don’t remember your username and password, please contact the MSU IT service at 517-432-6200. Your program coordinator does not have this information.


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