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Undergraduate Medical Education

About the Program

Garden City Hospital has been teaching and training medical students for many years. Teaching and learning medicine requires observation and practice. This is very present in our dedicated faculty who are passionate about the learning process and committed to medical education. They are excellent role models to the students and on many occasions, have become lifetime mentors. Practice through repetition is essential in the medical training of our future doctors.

Undergraduate Medical Education


Format of MSU C3 Course

This course will be presented over a span of nine months, starting in August and ending in April of your third year of medical school. Each month is focused on a specific set of systems and/or symptoms. The primary component of instruction (and where all essential elements of the curricular content are found) is within the designated readings, presentations and online resources provided to the student via Desire2Learn (D2L). Students will be expected to have read and reviewed all elements of content for each month on a week-to-week basis in advance of their didactic session.

Clinical rotations

Rotations are offered in the following specialties. Please note that some rotations have restrictions as described. Availability may be limited. Students must go through appropriate processes with their COM to arrange rotations. GCH does not “hold” rotations – they will be assigned as available and upon approval by the student’s medical school.

  • Anesthesiology
  • Cardiology – available for 4th year students with prior hospital-based internal medicine experience
  • Diagnostic Radiology
  • Emergency Medicine
  • ENT
  • Family Medicine – office based with local GCH staff physicians
  • General Surgery
  • Intensive Care Unit/Critical Care Medicine
  • Internal Medicine
  • Nephrology
  • Neurology
  • Night Hospital
  • Obstetrics and Gynecology
  • Ophthalmology
  • Orthopedic Surgery
  • Pathology
  • Pediatrics – office-based, availability typically limited to students based at GCH
  • Rehabilitation Medicine
  • Sports Medicine Urology
  • Vascular Surgery/Wound Care