PAD Risk Test
Are you at risk for Peripheral Arterial Disease (PAD)?
Symptoms of PAD include discomfort in your legs when you walk, pain in your feet at night or difficult to heal sores on your feet, particularly if you have diabetes. Individuals with PAD have five times the risk of a heart attack or stroke and three times the likelihood of death.
Don’t put yourself at risk, because the good news is that PAD can be treated by making lifestyle changes, taking medicines and, if needed, having special procedures. With an early diagnosis and proper treatment, you can live well with PAD.
For further information, contact us at 734-458-4366
Take this easy quiz to find out if you are at risk.
Answer “Yes” or “No”:
Do you have foot, calf, buttock, hip or thigh discomfort (aching, fatigue, tingling, cramping or pain)
when you walk that is relieved by rest?
Yes No
If yes, how long can you walk before the pain starts?
Do you experience any pain at rest in your lower leg(s) or feet?
Yes No
Do you experience foot or toe pain that often disturbs your sleep?
Yes No
Do you have skin wounds or ulcers on your feet or toes that are slow to heal (8-12 weeks)?
Yes No
Has a health care provider ever told you that you have diminished or absent pedal (foot) pulses?
Yes No
Are you less than 50 years old, with diabetes and one other atherosclerosis risk factor
Yes No
Are you aged 50 to 69 years and have diabetes?
Yes No
Are you aged 50 – 69 years and have a history of smoking (current or former smoker)?
Yes No
Are you 70 years or older?
Yes No
If you answered “yes” to three or more of these questions, you may be at risk for PAD. Talk to your doctor about your results and see about scheduling an appointment with a Garden City Hospital board-certified cardiologist. Please call 734-458-4366 to schedule an appointment.