Whether you have heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, obesity, lung disease or even just need to see a primary care physician for a common cold, an internal medicine physician is a right person to see. Dr. Mandy Enshiwat, an internal medicine physician at Garden City Hospital, talks about the most common reasons people come to see her. If you live with one or more of the conditions mentioned or are just in search of a primary care physician, call 734-421-4850 to schedule an appointment. Dr. Enshiwat no offers same-day appointments. For all emergency situations, please call 911 or visit the ER immediately.
If you need a primary care physician. Internal medicine is one of the forms of primary care. One of the reasons you would see an internal medicine doctor is if you are looking for a primary care physician. An internal medicine doctor can help you manage most, if not all, of your medical conditions.
Some of the other most common reasons to see an internal medicine physician include:
- Pain. Everyone experiences pain issues at some point in their life. For instance, back pain, arthritis, chronic headaches, neck pain, etc. If you do have these issues, an internal medicine doctor can help you manage them through things like exercise, physical therapy, and medications if needed. If you need to be referred to a specialist for conditions that are more concerning, an internal medicine doctor can refer you to those specialists. For instance, if you need surgery, knee replacement or a back injection, those are things that a specialist would handle. An internal medicine doctor can help you manage mild pain.
- Diabetes or high blood pressure. If you need to start on diabetes medication or need help controlling diabetes or high blood pressure with diet and exercise, or if it has already progressed and you are on several medications, an internal medicine doctor can help maximize those medications or maybe adding other medications to get these conditions under control.
- Diet and exercise regimens. Can help facilitate not just diabetes and high blood pressure issues, but also with pain.
Think you should see an internal medicine doctor? Call 734-421-4850. Once you have scheduled your appointment, find out what you should bring to your first visit.
Read more from Dr. Enshiwat: Mandy Enshiwat, MD on Food & Nutrition